1. econe-run-instances(1)
  2. econe-run-instances(1) -- Runs an instance of a particular image (that needs to be referenced)
  3. econe-run-instances(1)




econe-run-instances OPTIONS IMAGE-ID

Runs an instance of a particular image IMAGE-ID: The image identification as returned by the econe-upload command


 -v, --verbose             Verbose mode
 -h, --help                Show this message
 -V, --version             Show version and copyright information
 -K, --access-key id       The username of the user
 -S, --secret-key key      The sha1 hashed password of the user
 -U, --url url             Set url as the web service url to use
 -d, --user-data data      Specifies Base64-encoded MIME user data to be
                           made available to the instance
 -n, --instance-count count The number of instances to launch. If OpenNebula
                           cannot launch the specified number of instances,
                           no instances will launch. If this is specified
                           as a range (min-max), OpenNebula will try to
                           launch the maximum number, but no fewer than the
                           minimum number.Example: -n 5-10
 -t, --type type           OpenNebula template in which is based this
 -k, --keypair keypair     The name of the key pair.




OpenNebula 4.2.0 Copyright 2002-2013, OpenNebula Project (OpenNebula.org), C12G Labs

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

  1. July 2013
  2. econe-run-instances(1)