OPENNEBULA(1)                         User Commands                        OPENNEBULA(1)

       OpenNebula - OCCI Manage Compute

       occi-compute <COMMAND> [OPTIONS] [ARGUMENTS]

       occi-compute - Manages compute resources

       --help, -h

              Show help

       --username <id>, -U <id>

              The username of the user

       --password <key>, -P <key>

              The password of the user

       --url <url>, -R <url>

              Set url as the web service url to use

       --timeout <seconds>, -T <seconds>

              Sets a timeout for the http connection

       --debug, -D

              Enables verbosity


              Show resources in verbose mode

       create <occi xml file>

              creates a new compute resource described by the provided <occi xml file>


              lists available compute resources

       show <compute id>

              retrieves  the  OCCI XML representation of the compute resource identified
              by <compute id>

       update <occi xml file>

              updates the representation of the compute resource represented by the proâ<
              vided <occi xml file>

       delete <compute id>

              deletes the compute resource idenfitied by <compute id>

       attachdisk <compute id> <storage id>

              attaches an storage to a given compute

       detachdisk <compute id> <disk id>

              detaches the target disk form the compute

       Copyright 2002-2013, OpenNebula Project (, C12G Labs

       Licensed  under  the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use
       this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain  a  copy  of  the
       License at

OpenNebula 4.4.0                      November 2013                        OPENNEBULA(1)