Installation Guide 1.4

:!: Do not forget to check the Platform Notes for a list of specific software requirements to build OpenNebula.

Follow these simple steps to install the OpenNebula software:

$ scons [OPTION=VALUE] </xterm> the argument expression [OPTIONAL] is used to set non-default paths for :

sqlite path-to-sqlite-install
xmlrpc path-to-xmlrpc-install
parsers yes if you want to rebuild flex/bison files

./ <install_options> </xterm> where <install_options> can be one or more of:

-u user that will run OpenNebula, defaults to user executing
-g group of the user that will run OpenNebula, defaults to user executing
-k keep current configuration files, useful when upgrading
-d target installation directory. If defined, it will specified the path for the self-contained install. If not defined, the installation will be performed system wide
-r remove Opennebula, only useful if -d was not specified, otherwise rm -rf $ONE_LOCATION would do the job
-h prints installer help

We will do a self-contained installation. As oneadmin user:

<xterm> ~$ wget <opennebula tar gz> ~$ tar xzf <opennebula tar gz> ~$ cd one-1.4 ~/one-1.4$ scons -j2 [ lots of compiling information ] scons: done building targets. ~/one-1.4$ ./ -d /srv/cloud/one </xterm>

Now you need to configure OpenNebula to adjust it to your particular cluster.

Verifying the Installation

Depending on the installation mode (defined by the presence or absence of the -d option in the installation script), there are two possibilities with respect to the layout of the OpenNebula files.

Self contained

Once the OpenNebula software is installed specifying a directory with the -d option, the next tree should be found under $ONE_LOCATION:

System wide

Once the OpenNebula software is installed without specifying a directory with the -d option, the next tree reflects the files installed: