Quick Start Guide 1.4

This QuickStart guide aims to show how to prepare a simple cluster consisting of one cluster front-end and two cluster nodes to install OpenNebula, and how to configure OpenNebula to manage VMs in the aforementioned cluster. As seen in the following picture, the front-end machine is where OpenNebula is installed. Although OpenNebula supports several hypervisors (and it can interface with different cloud providers), this QuickStart guide focuses on the XEN hypervisor.



We are going to use a cluster formed by three computers:

  • Cluster Front-end : This is going to be the OpenNebula server. Let's call it makito and assume it has an IP of
  • Cluster nodes : The two other computers are going to be the execution hosts for the virtual machines. They will be called aquila01 and aquila02 throughout this guide and they will have IPs of and respectively.


Take a look at the software requisites to install OpenNebula. We assume in this guide that XEN and NIS are correctly configured. Additionally you will need the OpenNebula tarball, which can be downloaded from the Software section.

System Configuration

NIS Configuration


We are going to set up a common user for the three machines, one of the easiest ways is to use NIS. In this guide, we are going to assume that user <oneadmin> is shared with all the nodes (aquila01 and aquila02). Moreover, <oneadmin> ought to be able to run the xm xen command in both nodes, so make sure it is stated in their sudoers files.

SSH Configuration

The <oneadmin> account has to be trusted in the nodes from the OpenNebula server, being able to log into them in a passwordless fashion. Logged in as <oneadmin> in makito:

makito$ ssh-keygen

Press enter when prompted for a password (or, alternatively, set a passsword and use ssh-agent). This will create a pair of public/private keys, the public one being stored in id_rsa.pub.

Now we need to tell all the nodes that they have to trust this key. So we need to copy the created id_rsa.pub into all the nodes and then add it as a trusted public key. Repeat the following for all the nodes in the cluster:

makito$ scp id_rsa.pub aquila01:

and then, logged in the cluster node

aquila01$ cd ~/.ssh
aquila01$ cat id_rsa.pub >> authorized_keys

You can now try to ssh with the <oneadmin> account from makito to one of the cluster nodes, you should gain a login session without having to type a password.

VM Images Placing

In this QuickStart guide we are assuming that the cluster front-end is also the image repository. Lets create the image folder:

makito$ mkdir /opt/nebula/images

Both the images and the folders has to be readable from the <oneadmin> account. OpenNebula will stage the images from the cluster front-end to the chosen node for execution using secure copy (scp).

For other, possibly more complex image repository configurations, see the Storage Guide.

Network Configuration

In this guide we are assuming that the cluster nodes are configured to allow bridging networking for the virtual machines. This means having a software bridge in the nodes that is linked to its physical network interface. In this guide we will assume that this bridge is called eth0.

See the Network Guide for more information.

OpenNebula Installation

As the oneadmin in makito download the OpenNebula tarball and untar it in the home folder. Change to the recently created folder and type:

makito$ scons 

If there are any problems in the compilation, maybe this helps. We are going to install OpenNebula in self-contained mode. Once the compilation finishes successfully, lets install it to the target folder:

makito$ ./install.sh -d /opt/nebula/ONE

Now lets set the environment:

makito$ export ONE_LOCATION=/opt/nebula/ONE/
makito$ export ONE_XMLRPC=http://localhost:2633/RPC2
makito$ export PATH=$ONE_LOCATION/bin:$PATH
makito$ export ONE_AUTH=$HOME/.one_auth

Also you need to create the password file for the oneadmin user. Be sure that this file is only readable by oneadmin.

makito$ echo "oneadmin:opennebula" > $ONE_AUTH

It may be a good idea to include the lines above in the .bashrc file of <oneadmin>.

Now it's time to start the OpenNebula daemon and the scheduler. So don't get nervous and type the following in makito:

If you get a “oned and scheduler started” message, your OpenNebula installation is up&runnin'.

Setting up the Cluster in OpenNebula

OpenNebula needs to know how to access and use the cluster nodes, so lets set up the cluster in OpenNebula. First thing is adding hosts to OpenNebula. This can be done by means of the onehost command (See the Command Line Interface for more information). So lets add both aquila01 and aquila02:

makito$ onehost create aquila01 im_xen vmm_xen tm_ssh

makito$ onehost create aquila02 im_xen vmm_xen tm_ssh

We are giving OpenNebula hints about what it needs in order to run VMs in those both hosts. im_xen,vmm_xen and tm_ssh are referencing the information driver (for monitoring the physical cluster nodes), the virtualization driver (to be able to interface the cluster nodes hypervisors) and the transfer driver (to move images to and from the cluster nodes) respectively.

These drivers are configured in the $ONE_LOCATION/etc/oned.conf. The driver names used above are the default drivers that you get configured out-of-the-box installing OpenNebula, so the OpenNebula configuration file doesn't need to be fiddled within this QuickStart guide. They correspond with an information driver that can extract host information from the XEN utilities, a virtualization driver that understands how to deploy virtual machines using the XEN hypervisor and a transfer driver that is able to transfer images using secure copy (scp).

Using OpenNebula


Lets do a sample session to make sure everything is working. First thing to do, check that the adding of the cluster hosts went smoothly. Issue the following command as <oneadmin> and check the output:

makito$ onehost list
 HID NAME                      RVM   TCPU   FCPU   ACPU    TMEM    FMEM STAT
   0 aquila01                    0    800    800    800 8194468 7867604   on
   1 aquila02                    0    800    797    800 8387584 1438720   on

Now we need to prepare a virtual network with just one lease (meaning, just one pair of IP and MAC to be assigned to a virtual machine). This is going to be a fixed network (that is, leases have to be defined explicitly) with one valid public IP address, so the virtual machines gains access to the internet. This is the network template we are going to use, note that it references the eth0 bridge of the cluster nodes:

NAME   = "Public VLAN"
BRIDGE = eth0
LEASES = [IP=,MAC=50:20:20:20:20:20]

If we have this template saved into a file called myFirstNW.net, then we can create the network using the onevnet command likewise:

makito$ onevnnet create myFirstNW.net  

We can verify the correct creation of the network using again the onevnet command, first listing all the available virtual networks with onevnet list and then showing details for the recently created virtual network with onevnet show:

makito$ onevnet list
  0 Public VLAN        1        eth0

makito$ onevnet show "Public VLAN"
NID               : 0
UID               : 0
Network Name      : Public VLAN
Type              : Fixed
Size              : 1
Bridge            : eth0

....: Template :....
....: Leases :....
IP =  MAC = 50:20:20:20:20:20  USED = 0 VID = -1

Once we have checked the nodes and created the virtual network, we can then submit a VM to OpenNebula, by using onevm. We are going to build a VM template to submit the image we had placed in the /opt/nebula/images directory. The following will do:

NAME   = vm-example 
CPU    = 0.5
MEMORY = 128
OS     = [
  kernel   = "/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.18-4-xen-amd64",
  initrd   = "/boot/initrd.img-2.6.18-4-xen-amd64",
  root     = "sda1" ]
DISK   = [
  source   = "/opt/nebula/images/disk.img",
  target   = "sda1",
  readonly = "no" ]
DISK   = [
  type     = "swap",
  size     = 1024,
  target   = "sdb"]
NIC    = [ NETWORK = "Public VLAN" ]

Save it in your home and name it myfirstVM.template.

You can add more parameters, check this for a complete list. From this template, it is worth noting that it is not necessary to have a swap image in the image repository (the OpenNebula server in this guide), but rather OpenNebula will create it for the virtual machine previously to its booting.

Once we have tailored the requirements to our needs (specially, CPU and MEMORY fields), ensuring that the VM fits into at least one of both hosts, lets submit the VM (assuming you are currently in your home folder):

makito$ onevm submit myfirstVM.template

This should come back with an ID, that we can use to identify the VM for monitoring and controlling, again through the use of the onevm command:

$> onevm list

The output should look like:

  ID     NAME STAT CPU     MEM        HOSTNAME                TIME
   0    one-0 runn   0   65536        aquila01          00 0:00:02

The STAT field tells the state of the virtual machine. If there is an runn state, your virtual machine is up and running. Depending on how you set up your image, you may be aware of it's IP address. If that is the case you can try now and log into the VM. Keep that connection alive in another terminal so we can check the live migrate. This migration ought to occur with no apparent downtime.

To perform a migration (we cannot use live migration since one requisite is to share the images repository between all the cluster nodes), we use yet again the onevm command. Let's move the VM (with VID=0) to aquila02 (HID=1):

$> onevm migrate 0 1

This will move the VM from aquila01 to aquila02. After a few minutes (necessary to transfer the images and the checkpoint from aquila01 to aquila02), your onevm list should show something like the following if all went smoothly:

  ID     NAME STAT CPU     MEM        HOSTNAME                TIME
   0    one-0 runn   0   65536        aquila02          00 0:00:06

The last test to verify the correctness of this migration is to try a ssh connection to the VM (it should have the same IP address). If that is the case, you have succeeded in completing this simple usage scenario.