Known Issues 3.0

The following bugs or issues have been identified in the current 3.0 version, and will be solved in future releases.


x509 Certificates Limitations

The x509 authentication fails if the certificates contain certain characters, like the colon (:), or accented letters (e.g. á, ö).

Wrong Number of Running VMs

There is a bug that rarely causes OpenNebula to show a wrong number of running VMs in a host. The dev team is unable to reproduce this problem and will appreciate any feedback on this.

OCCI SAVE_AS Update on Compute Resource

If the request is submitted with all the available VM disks, and on of them has a previous SAVE_AS tag and is not removed, the server will fail. The server would need to compare and ignore old SAVE_AS.

MySQL DB bootstrap fails

Under some MySQL backend and character encoding configurations, OpenNebula fails to create the DB tables the first time it starts. You will find in /var/log/one/oned.log messages similar to this one:

Specified key was too long; max key length is 767 bytes

You can use instead the default SQLite DB. Alternatively, the following bug description contains a workaround; basically you need to create the same tables with fewer characters for some text columns:

ACL rules do not get cleaned up after a user or group is deleted

The ACL rules affecting a group or user are left behind when those are deleted. This doesn't cause any malfunction since the IDs are not reused, but it would be easier to manage the ACL rules if they are automatically cleaned.

Sunstone allows login with disabled user, then fails to retrieve resources

Disabled users are allowed to login in sunstone. Then, as expected, it fails to retrieve any resources with “User could not be authenticated” message, but they shouldn't be allowed to log in the first place.

Error Mapping Floppy Disk

Wrong deployment file created during the deployment of a VM based on a virtual machine template with a floppy disk image mapped.

The scheduler can pick a non working Host

The scheduler filters the existing hosts to get the ones with a status less than 3, including the ones in INIT or MONITORING state. A Host in MONITORING state may be chosen to deploy a VM if there is old monitoring data in it, but the host may be unreachable and end in ERROR state.

Problems with non common characters in Templates

Creating a machine template with certain characters (angle brackets for instance) disrupts the correct behavior.

Hardcoded ssh protocol in LVM transfer manager

VM suspend fails if done multiple times

Suspend fails when the checkpoint file already exists. A different checkpoint file should be use each time a VM is suspended.

Ganglia VM monitor does not report shutdown VM

With the Gangdia monitor, if the VM is no longer running, the last valid report will remain effective so that it will always show that VM as in RUNNING state.

Libvirt does not honor target attribute for disks

It seems that some versions of libvirt does not honor the target attribute for libvirt.

XML OCCI templates, error if elements defined in more than one line

There is a bug using xml templates that defines their elements in more than one line.

TM SSH mv should delete target directory when saving/migrating

If the target directory is not clean and images directory exists then a new images directory will appear inside old images dir. Restore of that VM will crash as the files are not in the place oned thinks they are. This directory should be deleted before moving.

onedb fails to parse mysql connection options

The DB connection details for onedb are read by default from oned.conf. The user can optionally supply these connection parameters using command line options, but there is a bug that causes the MySQL options '-u', '-p' and '-d' to be ignored.

The workaround is to use the oned.conf file to specify these parameters.