Sunstone Dummy Plugin 3.0

The Sunstone Dummy Plugin is a simple plugin to illustrate the pluging creation process explained in Sunstone Plugin Guide and to test some of the Sunstone features which are not used by the standard plugins. In order to use it just save the following code in the public/js/plugins/ folder in the Sunstone folder.

//Sunstone dummy plugin

//********PART 1 - Static contents and global variables declaration*****

//This is the content of the dummy tab
var dummy_plugin_tab_content = '\
<div><h3>This is the dummy plugin</h3>\
<p style="margin-top:10px">The dummy plugin is a playground to \
learn and test Sunstone plugins \
capabilities. This words are part of the the dummy plugin main tab \
content. In this content, we are going to include an special div element \
which will be filled in with some action buttons doing some crazy stuff.\
This special div must be of class "action_blocks": </p>\
<div class="action_blocks"></div>\
<div id="edit_me" style="border: 1px solid; margin-top: 20px">I am some\
text inside a div. I will be affected by some actions</div>\
<div id="dummy_count" style="border: 1px solid; margin-top: 20px">\
You have clicked the "increase count" button <span id="dummy_number">0</span> times</div>\
<div id="dummy_panel" style="border: 1px solid; margin-top: 20px">\
Click here to pop up an info panel</div>';

//This is a global variable to count how many times the user has
//clicked something
var dummy_plugin_count = 0;
var permission = false;
var permissionF = function() {return permission};

//******** PART2 - Sunstone configuration objects ***********

//Here we define some dummy actions. As we are not interacting with
//opennebula.js we are using "custom" actions.
var dummy_plugin_actions = {
    //Do nothing, just notify that this action is run
    "Dummy.notifyMe" : {
        type: "custom",
        call: function() {
          return true;  
    //Increase the dummy count
    "Dummy.increaseCount" : {
        type: "custom",
        call: function(number){
            if (number) {
                dummy_plugin_count += number;
            else {
                dummy_plugin_count += 1;
            $('#dummy_count #dummy_number').html(dummy_plugin_count);
    //Double the count
    "Dummy.doubleCount" : {
        type: "custom",
        call: function() {
    //Add a new tab dynamicly
    "Dummy.addDummyTab2": {
        type: "custom",
        call: function(){
            var tab = {
                title: "Dummy tab 2",
                content: "You have dynamicly added this tab!"
            $('#edit_me').html("You added a tab!");
    //Remove dynamicly a tab
    "Dummy.removeDummyTab2": {
        type: "custom",
        call: function() {
    //Enable/disable permission (used to run action)
    "Dummy.enDisPermission": {
        type: "custom",
        call: function(){
            $('#edit_me').html("Permissions set to "+permission);
    //Run an conditioned action
    "Dummy.runIfPermission": {
        type: "custom",
        call: function() {
            $('#edit_me').html("You had permission to run an action!!");
        notify: true,
        condition: permissionF
    //Regenerate buttons
    "Dummy.regenerateButtons": {
        type: "custom",
        call: function() {

//And here we create buttons for the actions above. Note that buttons are
//going to become clickable elements in the DOM. That doesn't mean there
//needs every action needs a button as actions are simply run with
//Sunstone.runAction(action_name, [param], [extra_param]).

//However, every button does need an action. The name of the button and
//the name of the action it will run has to be the same.

var dummy_plugin_buttons = {
       //Do nothing, just notify that this action is run
    "Dummy.notifyMe" : {
        type: "action",
        text: "Notify me!",
    //Increase the dummy count
    "Dummy.increaseCount" : {
        type: "action",
        text: "Increase count",
    //Double the count - for such a serious action we need
    //the user to confirm it!! Therefore we use a "confirm" button.
    //Also we need certain permissions to have this button included.
    "Dummy.doubleCount" : {
        type: "confirm",
        text: "Double count",
        tip: "This will double the count.",
        condition: permissionF
    //Add a new tab dynamicly
    "Dummy.addDummyTab2": {
       type: "action",
       text: "Add tab",
    //Remove dynamicly a tab
    "Dummy.removeDummyTab2": {
       type: "action",
       text: "Remove tab"
    //Enable/disable permission (used to run action)
    "Dummy.enDisPermission": {
        type: "action",
        text: "Enable, disable permissions",
    //Run an conditioned action
    "Dummy.runIfPermission": {
       type: "action",
       text: "Run with permission",
    //Regenerate buttons
    "Dummy.regenerateButtons": {
        type: "action",
        text: "Regenerate buttons",

//We can now create a tab
var dummy_plugin_tab = {
    title: "Dummy plugin!",
    content: dummy_plugin_tab_content,
    buttons: dummy_plugin_buttons    

//And why not, an info panel

var dummy_plugin_info_panel = {
    "dummy_info_tab1" : {
        title: "1st Tab",
        content: "This is tab1"
    "dummy_info_tab2" : {
        title: "2nd Tab",
        content: "This is tab2"
    "dummy_info_tab3" : {
        title: "3rd Tab",
        content: "This is tab3"

//********PART 3: Add config to Sunstone *********


//********PART 4: DOM-dependant initializations and user interaction****

$(document).ready(function() {
    //Lets add a listener to show our info panel:
    $('#dummy_panel').click(function() {