Branding OpenNebula Self-Service 4.4

OpenNebula Self-Service can be easily customized to include the informations you consider more relevant to its users.


Customizable options

Customizable options are:

  • Login Self-Service logo and top-left logo in the main views.
  • Title, texts and images in the dashboard boxes.
  • List of useful links in the dashboard.
  • Right-pane text and image in compute dashboard.
  • Right-pane text and image in storage dashboard.
  • Right-pane text and image in network dashboard.


The strings and urls defining the contents of the above elements have been gathered in one javascript file: /usr/lib/one/ruby/cloud/occi/public/customize/custom.js. This is an extract of that file:

//Dashboard Welcome box
var dashboard_welcome_title = tr("Welcome to OpenNebula Self-Service");
var dashboard_welcome_image = "images/opennebula-selfservice-icon.png"
var dashboard_welcome_html = '<p>'+tr("OpenNebula Self-Service is a simplified user interface to manage OpenNebula compute, storage and network resources. It is focused on easiness and usability and features a limited set of operations directed towards end-users.")+'</p>\
<p>'+tr("Additionally, OpenNebula Self-Service allows easy customization of the interface (e.g. this text) and brings multi-language support.")+'</p>\
<p>'+tr("Have a cloudy experience!")+'</p>';

The file is formed by pairs of “var variable_name = variable_value”. It should be quite straighforward to adapt the current content of the file to your own needs. Some values (like those related to images) indicate a url or relative path. Others are simply html text.

In the example, the function tr(String) is used to allow translation of these strings into different languages when available, but it's not strictly necessary.

Finally, if writing a String over several lines, remember to end each line with \.