Platform Notes 4.4

This page will show you the specific considerations at the time of using an OpenNebula cloud, according to the different supported platforms.

This is the list of the individual platform components that have been through the complete OpenNebula Quality Assurance and Certification Process.

Certified Platform Component Version
RedHat Enterprise Linux6.4
Ubuntu Server12.04 (LTS) & 13.04
SUSE Linux Enterprise12.3
VMwareESX 5.0 & ESX 5.1
XEN3.2 & 4.2
KVMSupported version that is included in the kernel for the Linux distribution


All Front-Ends

  • xmlrpc tuning parameters (MAX_CONN, MAX_CONN_BACKLOG, KEEPALIVE_TIMEOUT, KEEPALIVE_MAX_CONN and TIMEOUT) are only available with packages distributed by us as they are compiled with a newer xmlrpc-c library.
  • for cloud bursting, a newer nokogiri gem than the on packed by current distros is required. If you are planning to use cloud bursting, you need to install nokogiri >= 1.4.4 prior to run install_gems

<xterm> # sudo gem install nokogiri -v 1.4.4 </xterm>

ESX 5.x as VMware Node

  • to accomplish disk hotplugging and nic hotplugging (ignore the first bullet for the latter)
    • disks need to be attached through SCSI, so their images should have a DEV_PREFIX=“sd”
    • VM template that will permit SCSI disk attaches afterwards needs to have an explicitly defined SCSI controller:

<xterm> RAW=[TYPE = “vmware”,

   DATA = "<devices><controller type='scsi' index='0' model='lsilogic'/></devices>"]


  • to use SCSI disk based VMs, it is usually a good idea to explicitly declare the PCI bridges. This can be accomplished with the following added to the VM template:

<xterm> FEATURES=[PCIBRIDGE=“1”] </xterm>

  • to accomplish hot migration (through vMotion)
    • VM needs to have all network card model with model “E1000”

CentOS 6.4 as KVM Node

  • to accomplish disk hotplugging:
    • disks need to be attached through SCSI, so their images should have a DEV_PREFIX=“sd”
    • VM template that will permit SCSI disk attaches afterwards needs to have an explicitly defined SCSI controller:

<xterm> RAW=[TYPE = “kvm”,

   DATA = "<devices><controller type='scsi' index='0' model='virtio-scsi'></controller></devices>"]


Ubuntu 12.04 as KVM Node

CentOS 6.4 Usage Platform Notes

Because home directory of oneadmin is located in /var, it violates SELinux default policy. So in ssh passwordless configuration you should disable SELinux by setting SELINUX=disabled in /etc/selinux/config.

Debian Platform Notes

Debian Lenny as Xen 3 Node

<xterm> # ln -s /usr/lib/xen-3.2-1/bin/tapdisk /usr/sbin # echo xenblktap >> /etc/modules # reboot </xterm>

openSUSE 12.3 Platform Notes

  • Limited startup scripts → only for OpenNebula and Sunstone services

Ubuntu 12.04 Platform Notes

  • Limited startup scripts → only for OpenNebula service
  • Ubuntu12.04 presents libvirt 0.9.8. We recommend updating (manually, there are no packages) to 0.10.2 to use the AttachNic and DetachNic functionality.

Ubuntu 13.04 Platform Notes

  • Limited startup scripts → only for OpenNebula service

Unsupported Platforms Notes

Installing on ArchLinux

OpenNebula is available at the Arch User Repository (AUR), please check the opennebula package page.

Installing on Gentoo

You need to compile the xmlrpc-c package with threads support, as:

  USE="threads" emerge xmlrpc-c