OpenNebula 3.4.3 - Incremental Release Notes

OpenNebulaPro 3.4.3 (build d8f2633) is a new release of the OpenNebulaPro 3.4 series, bringing the already tested, latest functionality to the Pro version. The new functionality is described in the  Release Notes of OpenNebula 3.4.

Issues Solved since OpenNebulaPro 3.4.2

This release of OpenNebulaPro 3.4.3 includes patches for the following bugs solved since the OpenNebulaPro 3.4.2 version was released:

Additional Issues Solved since OpenNebula 3.4.1 (community version)

This release of OpenNebulaPro 3.4.3 additionally includes the following bug fixes over the latest stable community version (OpenNebula 3.4.1):