Configuring AppFlow

The AppFlow commands do not interact directly with the OpenNebula daemon, there is a server that takes the requests and manages the service (multi-tiered application) life-cycle. This guide shows how to start AppFlow, and the different options that can be configured.



AppFlow requires:

  • ruby and rubygems installed.
  • bundler. To install it you can issue as root:

<xterm> # gem install bundler </xterm>

  • Required gems. To install the gems needed by AppFlow do this as root:

<xterm> # cd /usr/lib/one/ruby/oneapps/flow # bundle install </xterm>

How to Start AppFlow

Authentication Configuration

In order to allow AppFlow to connect to your existing OpenNebula, you need the /var/lib/one/.one/appflow_auth file. It should be created by installation package, otherwise you can copy Sunstone credentials:

<xterm> $ cp /var/lib/one/.one/sunstone_auth /var/lib/one/.one/appflow_auth </xterm>

The OpenNebula documentation contains more information about the external components authentication.

ACL Rule

You need to decide which OpenNebula users will be able to use AppFlow, and create an ACL Rule to allow them to create Documents.

To enable AppFlow for all users, add the rule: <xterm> $ oneacl create “* DOCUMENT/* CREATE” </xterm>

If you only want a specific group to be able to use AppFlow, execute: <xterm> $ oneacl create “@1 DOCUMENT/* CREATE” </xterm>

Read more about the ACL Rules system in the OpenNebula documentation.

Start AppFlow

To start and stop the server, use the appflow-server start/stop command:

<xterm> $ appflow-server start appflow-server started </xterm>

:!: By default, the server will only listen to requests coming from localhost. Change the :host attribute in /etc/one/appflow-server.conf to your server public IP, or so appflow will listen on any interface.

Inside /var/log/one/ you will find new log files for the server, and individual ones for each service in /var/log/one/appflow/<id>.log


Enable the Sunstone Tabs

The AppFlow Sunstone plugins are enabled by default. They can be enabled for everyone, or only for a list of group or users. Read more about the configuration options in the OpenNebula documentation.

To disable or filter which users can use the plugins, edit /etc/one/sunstone-plugins.yaml, and look for the plugins apptools.appflow*.

- user-plugins/apptools.appflow-dashboard.js: 
    :ALL: true
- user-plugins/apptools.appflow.templates.js: 
    :ALL: true
- user-plugins/ 
    :ALL: true

Be sure to restart Sunstone for the changes to take effect.

How to Configure AppFlow

The AppFlow configuration file can be found at /etc/one/appflow-server.conf. It uses YAML syntax to define the following options:

Option Description
Server Configuration
:one_xmlrpc OpenNebula daemon host and port
:lcm_interval Time in seconds between Life Cycle Manager steps
:host Host where AppFlow will listen
:port Port where AppFlow will listen
:core_auth Authentication driver to communicate with OpenNebula core
cipher: for symmetric cipher encryption of tokens
x509: for x509 certificate encryption of tokens

For more information, visit the OpenNebula Cloud Auth documentation
:debug_level Log debug level. 0 = ERROR, 1 = WARNING, 2 = INFO, 3 = DEBUG

This is the default file

# Server Configuration
# OpenNebula daemon contact information
:one_xmlrpc: http://localhost:2633/RPC2
# Time in seconds between Life Cycle Manager steps
:lcm_interval: 30
# Host and port where AppFlow server will run
:port: 2474
# Auth
# Authentication driver to communicate with OpenNebula core
#   - cipher, for symmetric cipher encryption of tokens
#   - x509, for x509 certificate encryption of tokens
:core_auth: cipher
# Log
# Log debug level
#   0 = ERROR, 1 = WARNING, 2 = INFO, 3 = DEBUG
:debug_level: 2