What Is It?

AppStage performs the automatic installation and configuration of the software stack that constitutes an application environment. With AppStage you can easily define software configurations for your virtual machines and share them with other users.


  • Automatic installation and configuration of software stacks
  • Simplify the process of building new applications
  • Provide configurable application environments from a catalog and self-service portal
  • Enable tight, efficient administrative control
  • Fine-grained access control for the secure sharing of application environments with other users

An Overview

Installing and configuring applications is a laborious task. Nowadays, there are several Configuration Management tools like chef, puppet or cfengine that allow to script the installation and configuration of applications and services.

AppStage helps you to integrate these tools and automation processes with an OpenNebula IaaS cloud, by:

  • Managing software stacks configurations (environment). So cloud users can instantiate an environment rather than just a VM.
  • Providing the required scripting glue to seamlessly integrate chef with the powerful OpenNebula's contextualization process.

AppStage uses chef-solo to power the automatic installation and configuration of the app software stack.