Image Manager Driver 4.0

The Image Manager Driver is quite similar to the Transfer Manager Driver. This Manager Driver is responsible for the file management needed to create new Images.

Image Manager Driver Configuration

Only one Image Manager Driver can be configured in oned.conf. The default configuration is as follows:

    executable = "one_image",
    arguments  = "fs -t 15" ]


  • fs is the set of scripts to be used. The default fs scripts assume the file paths defined in the Image Template are relative to the front-end.
  • -t is the number of threads, i.e. the maximum number of concurrent file operations over the Image Repository.

Structure: The Action Scripts

The default set of scripts is located in the 'fs' dir. There is a script for each action.

In the following table these scripts and their arguments are listed:

MV source destination
CP source destination
RM destination -
MKFS destination fs-type size

How to Create Custom Drivers

The Driver Subsystem is highly modular. Adding a new set of drivers doesn't require any modification in OpenNebula's code, just the creating of new scripts.

The default 'fs' script set is located in /var/lib/one/remotes/image. Taking those scripts as a guide, a new set can be created in a new directory:

<xterm> /var/lib/one/remotes/image/custom

`– rm </xterm>

To activate this new set, oned.conf has to be configured as follows:

    executable = "one_image",
    arguments  = "custom -t 15" ]