Known Issues 4.0

The following bugs or issues have been identified in the current 4.0 version, and will be solved in future releases.

OpenNebula 4.0

  • sunstone-server and ozones-server scripts, when used to stop the server(ie, “sunstone-server stop”) will fail to do so if the server process is crashed or hanged, and it will fail also to warn the user. While this is not fixed, if you are having troubles with the servers, we recommend getting the PID of the process and killing it using “kill -9”.
  • #1951: VM monitor actions can be triggered several times when the probes execution time is longer than the monitoring interval
  • #1927: VM Context does not fill the right values when a VM has two NICs in the same network
  • #1803: Attach NIC operation should check Cluster constraints
  • #1957: CLI –net_context fails if the user supplies an ID instead of a name
  • #1819: Deployment fails if the domain already exists
  • #1811: If more than one scheduled actions fit in a scheduler cycle, the behaviour is unexpected
  • #1995: In order to solve the bug that affects DATA_VMX in certain VM configurations, please place this in /var/lib/one/remotes/vmm/vmware/vmware_driver.rb

Sunstone (solved in OpenNebula 4.0.1)

  • #1979: Selected IDs are not updated when the table page is changed, so disabled buttons and auto refresh are not consistent
  • #1976: When a quota is edited, sunstone fills empty inputs with 0 as the default value, instead of -1
  • #2003: Error if Volume Group Name is specified when creating a new ISCSi datastore

OpenNebula 4.0.1


  • #1962: If a user panel info is visible, new attributes will not be added in the settings dialog
  • #1877: If syslog is enabled, the logs tab in the VM detailed will not show them
  • #1980: Auto refresh is disabled if a resource is selected, this makes the dashboard graphs to stall
  • #2107: VLAN_ID input is not shown when selecting OvSwitch