Managing Multiple Zones 4.0

A Zone is essentially a group of interconnected physical hosts with hypervisors controlled by OpenNebula. A Zone can be added to the oZones server, providing valid oneadmin credentials, so it can contribute to the list of aggregated resources presented by the oZones component. A Zone can be further compartmentalized in Virtual Data Center or VDCs.


Adding a new Zone

This guide assumes that the oZones command line interface is correctly installed and configured.

Zones resource can be managed using the onezone command. In order to create a zone, we will need a Zone template, with the necessary information to setup such resource:


The oneadmin credentials are checked against the OpenNebula present in the Zone by requesting the list of available hosts. No changes are made to the OpenNebula whatsoever. Let's create a Zone:

<xterm> $ onezone create myzone.template ID: 1 </xterm>

Now we can list the available zones:

<xterm> $ onezone list

ID            NAME                                 ENDPOINT
 1          MyZone        http:%%//


Examining a Zone

We can further examine the contents of the zone with the onezone show command:

<xterm> $ onezone show 1 ZONE zone0 INFORMATION ID : 1 NAME : zone0 ZONE ADMIN : oneadmin ZONE PASS : 4478db59d30855454ece114e8ccfa5563d21c9bd ENDPOINT : # VDCS : 0 </xterm>

Zone resources can be specifically queried with onezone show <id> plus one of the following flags:

  • vmtemplate for VM templates
  • image for Images
  • user for Users
  • vm for Virtual Machines
  • vnet for Virtual Networks
  • host for Hosts

Let's query the hosts of the newly created zone:

<xterm> $ onezone show 1 host ZONE zone0 INFORMATION ID : 1 NAME : MyZone ZONE ADMIN : tinova ZONE PASS : 4478db59d30855454ece114e8ccfa5563d21c9bd ENDPOINT : # VDCS : 0

ID NAME               RVM   TCPU   FCPU   ACPU   TMEM   FMEM   AMEM   STAT
 0 MyHost               0      0      0    100     0K     0K     0K     on
 1 EC2Host              0      0      0    100     0K     0K     0K     on
 2 64BitsComp           0      0      0    100     0K     0K     0K     on


Deleting a Zone

We can delete a zone with onezone delete, providing the Zone ID:

<xterm> $ onezone delete 1 Resource zone with id 1 successfully deleted </xterm>

Using the oZones GUI

Pointing the browser to


Will give access to the oZones GUI, where all the functionality of the CLI is offered.

Examining Aggregated Resources

Also, in the GUI there is the ability to see the aggregated resources from multiple zones: Templates, Images, Users, Virtual Machines, Virtual Networks and Hosts.