Cloud Application Management Overview

OneFlow and OneGate provide functionality to integrate OpenNebula with the applications running inside your Virtual Machines. They are two different servers, read the Cloud Application Overview for information on how to configure and start them.


OneFlow allows users and administrators to define, execute and manage multi-tiered applications, or services composed of interconnected Virtual Machines with deployment dependencies between them. Each group of Virtual Machines is deployed and managed as a single entity, and is completely integrated with the advanced OpenNebula user and group management.


  • Define multi-tiered applications (services) as collection of applications
  • Manage multi-tiered applications as a single entity
  • Automatic execution of services with dependencies
  • Provide configurable services from a catalog and self-service portal
  • Enable tight, efficient administrative control
  • Fine-grained access control for the secure sharing of services with other users
  • Auto-scaling policies based on performance metrics and schedule

Please follow these links for the usage guides:


OneGate allows Virtual Machine guests to push monitoring information to OpenNebula. Users and administrators can use it to gather metrics, detect problems in their applications, and trigger OneFlow auto-scaling rules