Information Manager Drivers 4.2

The IM drivers are the ones responsible to output information about the host. It also gets information about the VMs running in a host to optimize VM monitoring.

This guide will teach you how to create proves for IM drivers. It is also a starting point on how to create a new IM driver from scratch and describes the meaning of the monitoring values.


Driver Configuration

To add a new driver to OpenNebula some lines should be added to /etc/one/oned.conf to describe it:

IM_MAD = [
    name       = "<im name>",
    executable = "one_im_ssh",
    arguments  = "-r 0 -t 15 <driver name>" ]

Usually the im name and driver name are the same. The im name is the name we will use to refer in the cli to that driver, for example, to set this driver for a host. The driver name will be used to refer to the directory in /var/lib/one/remotes/im. For example, to refer the remotes directory kvm.d the driver name should be kvm.

The executable one_im_ssh is the driver server that executes the probes in the remote host, in case we want to execute the probes in the frontend we can substitute it by one_im_sh.

These im server takes some parameters, these are the most common:

Parameter Description
-r number Number of retries
-t number Number of simultaneous monitoring actions

General Probe Structure

An IM diver is composed of one or several scripts that write to stdout information in this form:


These scripts should be stored in a directory called <name of the driver>.d located in /var/lib/one/remotes/im. The scripts should be executable and can be written in any language but make sure that the hosts or the frontend have everything it needs to run them. For example, if the script is written in python you need the interpreter and all the libraries needed installed in the hosts.

The drivers receive three parameters in case they need them:

Position Description
1 hypervisor: the name of the hypervisor, that is, the name of the directory without .d
2 host id: identifier of the host in OpenNebula
3 host name: name of the host in OpenNebula

Take into account that in shell script the parameters start at 1 ($1) and in ruby start at 0 (ARGV[0]). For shell script you can use this snippet to get the parameters:

hypervisor  = $1
host_id     = $2
host_name   = $3

Basic Monitoring Scripts

You can add any key and value you want to use later in RANK and REQUIREMENTS for scheduling but there are some basic values you should output:

Key Description
HYPERVISOR Name of the hypervisor of the host, useful for selecting the hosts with an specific technology.
TOTALCPU Number of CPUs multiplied by 100. For example, a 16 cores machine will have a value of 1600.
CPUSPEED Speed in Mhz of the CPUs.
TOTALMEMORY Maximum memory that could be used for VMs. It is advised to take out the memory used by the hypervisor.
USEDMEMORY Memory used, in kilobytes.
FREEMEMORY Available memory for VMs at that moment, in kilobytes.
FREECPU Percentage of idling CPU multiplied by the number of cores. For example, if 50% of the CPU is idling in a 4 core machine the value will be 200.
USEDCPU Percentage of used CPU multiplied by the number of cores.
NETRX Received bytes from the network
NETTX Transferred bytes to the network

For example, a probe that gets memory information about a host could be something like:

total=$(free | awk ' /^Mem/ { print $2 }')
used=$(free | awk '/buffers\/cache/ { print $3 }')
free=$(free | awk '/buffers\/cache/ { print $4 }')
echo "TOTALMEMORY=$total"
echo "USEDMEMORY=$used"
echo "FREEMEMORY=$free"

Executing it should give use memory values:

<xterm> $ ./memory_probe TOTALMEMORY=1020696 USEDMEMORY=209932 FREEMEMORY=810724 </xterm>

For real examples check the directories at /var/lib/one/remotes/im.

VM Information

The scripts should also provide information about the VMs running in the host. This is useful as it will only need one call to gather all that information about the VMs in each host. The output should be in this form:

  POLL="USEDMEMORY=563865 USEDCPU=74 NETTX=2039847 NETRX=2349923 STATE=a" ]

The first line (VM_POLL=YES) is used to indicate OpenNebula that VM information will follow. Then the information about the VMs is output in that form.

Key Description
ID OpenNebula VM id. It can be -1 in case this VM was not created by OpenNebula
DEPLOY_ID Hypervisor name or identifier of the VM
POLL VM monitoring info, in the same format as VMM driver poll

For example here is a simple script to get qemu/kvm VMs status from libvirt. As before, check the scripts from OpenNebula for a complete example:

echo "VM_POLL=YES"
virsh -c qemu:///system list | grep one- | while read vm; do
    deploy_id=$(echo $vm | cut -d' ' -f 2)
    id=$(echo $deploy_id | cut -d- -f 2)
    status_str=$(echo $vm | cut -d' ' -f 3)
    if [ $status_str == "running" ]; then
    echo "VM=["
    echo "  ID=$id,"
    echo "  DEPLOY_ID=$deploy_id,"
    echo "  POLL=\"STATE=$state\" ]"

<xterm> $ ./vm_poll VM_POLL=YES VM=[



