OpenNebula EC2 User Guide 4.2

The EC2 Query API offers the functionality exposed by Amazon EC2: upload images, register them, run, monitor and terminate instances, etc. In short, Query requests are HTTP or HTTPS requests that use the HTTP verb GET or POST and a Query parameter.

OpenNebula implements a subset of the EC2 Query interface, enabling the creation of public clouds managed by OpenNebula. In this last release of the API implementation, the methods implemented are:


  • upload image: Uploads an image to OpenNebula
  • describe images: Lists all registered images belonging to one particular user.


  • run instances: Runs an instance of a particular image (that needs to be referenced).
  • describe instances: Outputs a list of launched images belonging to one particular user.
  • terminate instances: Shutdowns a set ofvirtual machines (or cancel, depending on its state).
  • reboot instances: Reboots a set ofvirtual machines.
  • start instances: Starts a set ofvirtual machines.
  • stop instances: Stops a set ofvirtual machines.


  • create volume: Creates a new DATABLOCK in OpenNebula
  • delete volume: Deletes an existing DATABLOCK.
  • describe volumes: Describe all available DATABLOCKs for this user
  • attach volume: Attaches a DATABLOCK to an instance
  • detach volume: Detaches a DATABLOCK from an instance

Elastic IPs

  • allocate address: Allocates a new elastic IP address for the user
  • release address: Releases a publicIP of the user
  • describe addresses: Lists elastic IP addresses
  • associate address: Associates a publicIP of the user with a given instance
  • disassociate address: Disasociate a publicIP of the user currently associated with an instance


  • create keypair: Creates the named keypair
  • delete keypair: Deletes the named keypair, removes the associated keys
  • describe keypairs: List and describe the key pairs available to the user

Commands description can be accessed from the Command Line Reference.

User Account Configuration

An account is needed in order to use the OpenNebula cloud. The cloud administrator will be responsible for assigning these accounts, which have a one to one correspondence with OpenNebula accounts, so all the cloud administrator has to do is check the configuration guide to setup accounts, and automatically the OpenNebula cloud account will be created.

In order to use such an account, the end user can make use of clients programmed to access the services described in the previous section. For this, she has to set up his environment, particularly the following aspects:

  • Authentication: This can be achieved in three different ways, here listed in order of priority (i.e. values specified in the argument line supersede environmental variables)
    • Using the commands arguments. All the commands accept an Access Key (as the OpenNebula username) and a Secret Key (as the OpenNebula hashed password)
    • Using EC2_ACCESS_KEY and EC2_SECRET_KEY environment variables the same way as the arguments
    • If none of the above is available, the ONE_AUTH variable will be checked for authentication (with the same used for OpenNebula CLI).
  • Server location: The command need to know where the OpenNebula cloud service is running. That information needs to be stored within the EC2_URL environment variable (in the form of a http URL, including the port if it is not the standard 80).

:!: The EC2_URL has to use the FQDN of the EC2-Query Server

Hello Cloud!

Lets take a walk through a typical usage scenario. In this brief scenario it will be shown how to upload an image to the OpenNebula image repository, how to register it in the OpenNebula cloud and perform operations upon it.

  • upload_image

Assuming we have a working Gentoo installation residing in an .img file, we can upload it into the OpenNebula cloud using the econe-upload command:

<xterm> $ econe-upload /images/gentoo.img Success: ImageId ami-00000001 </xterm>

  • describe_images

We will need the ImageId to launch the image, so in case we forgotten we can list registered images using the econe-describe-images command:

<xterm> $ econe-describe-images -H Owner ImageId Status Visibility Location

helen ami-00000001 available private 19ead5de585f43282acab4060bfb7a07 </xterm>

  • run_instance

Once we recall the ImageId, we will need to use the econe-run-instances command to launch an Virtual Machine instance of our image:

<xterm> $ econe-run-instances -H ami-00000001 Owner ImageId InstanceId InstanceType

helen ami-00000001 i-15 m1.small </xterm>

We will need the InstanceId to monitor and shutdown our instance, so we better write down that i-15.

  • describe_instances

If we have too many instances launched and we don't remember everyone of them, we can ask econe-describe-instances to show us which instances we have submitted.

<xterm> $ econe-describe-instances -H Owner Id ImageId State IP Type

helen i-15 ami-00000001 pending m1.small </xterm>

We can see that the instances with Id i-15 has been launched, but it is still pending, i.e., it still needs to be deployed into a physical host. If we try the same command again after a short while, we should be seeing it running as in the following excerpt:

<xterm> $ econe-describe-instances -H Owner Id ImageId State IP Type

helen i-15 ami-00000001 running m1.small </xterm>

  • terminate_instances

After we put the Virtual Machine to a good use, it is time to shut it down to make space for other Virtual Machines (and, presumably, to stop being billed for it). For that we can use the econe-terminate-instances passing to it as an argument the InstanceId that identifies our Virtual Machine:

<xterm> $ econe-terminate-instances i-15 Success: Terminating i-15 in running state </xterm>

:!: You can obtain more information on how to use the above commands accessing their Usage help passing them the -h flag