Managing Virtual Machines 4.2

This guide follows the Creating Virtual Machines guide. Once a Template is instantiated to a Virtual Machine, there are a number of operations that can be performed using the onevm command.


Virtual Machine Life-cycle

The life-cycle of a Virtual Machine within OpenNebula includes the following stages:

:!: Note that this is a simplified version. If you are a developer you may want to take a look at the complete diagram referenced in the xml-rpc api page):

Short state State Meaning
pend Pending By default a VM starts in the pending state, waiting for a resource to run on. It will stay in this state until the scheduler decides to deploy it, or the user deploys it using the onevm deploy command.
hold Hold The owner has held the VM and it will not be scheduled until it is released. It can be, however, deployed manually.
prol Prolog The system is transferring the VM files (disk images and the recovery file) to the host in which the virtual machine will be running.
boot Boot OpenNebula is waiting for the hypervisor to create the VM.
runn Running The VM is running (note that this stage includes the internal virtualized machine booting and shutting down phases). In this state, the virtualization driver will periodically monitor it.
migr Migrate The VM is migrating from one resource to another. This can be a life migration or cold migration (the VM is saved and VM files are transferred to the new resource).
hotp Hotplug A disk attach/detach, nic attach/detach operation is in process.
snap Snapshot A system snapshot is being taken.
save Save The system is saving the VM files after a migration, stop or suspend operation.
epil Epilog In this phase the system cleans up the Host used to virtualize the VM, and additionally disk images to be saved are copied back to the system datastore.
shut Shutdown OpenNebula has sent the VM the shutdown ACPI signal, and is waiting for it to complete the shutdown process. If after a timeout period the VM does not disappear, OpenNebula will assume that the guest OS ignored the ACPI signal and the VM state will be changed to running, instead of done.
stop Stopped The VM is stopped. VM state has been saved and it has been transferred back along with the disk images to the system datastore.
susp Suspended Same as stopped, but the files are left in the host to later resume the VM there (i.e. there is no need to re-schedule the VM).
poff PowerOff Same as suspended, but no checkpoint file is generated. Note that the files are left in the host to later boot the VM there.
unde Undeployed The VM is shut down. The VM disks are transfered to the system datastore. The VM can be resumed later.
fail Failed The VM failed.
unkn Unknown The VM couldn't be reached, it is in an unknown state.
done Done The VM is done. VMs in this state won't be shown with “onevm list” but are kept in the database for accounting purposes. You can still get their information with the onevm show command.

Virtual Machine States

Managing Virtual Machines

The following sections show the basics of the onevm command with simple usage examples. A complete reference for these commands can be found here.

Create and List Existing VMs

:!: Read the Creating Virtual Machines guide for more information on how to manage and instantiate VM Templates.

:!: Read the complete reference for Virtual Machine templates.

Assuming we have a VM Template registered called vm-example with ID 6, then we can instantiate the VM issuing a:

<xterm> $ onetemplate list

ID USER     GROUP    NAME                         REGTIME
 6 oneadmin oneadmin vm_example            09/28 06:44:07

$ onetemplate instantiate vm-example –name my_vm VM ID: 0 </xterm>

afterwards, the VM can be listed with the onevm list command. You can also use the onevm top command to list VMs continuously.

<xterm> $ onevm list

  ID USER     GROUP    NAME         STAT CPU     MEM        HOSTNAME        TIME
   0 oneadmin oneadmin my_vm        pend   0      0K                 00 00:00:03


After a Scheduling cycle, the VM will be automatically deployed. But the deployment can also be forced by oneadmin using onevm deploy:

<xterm> $ onehost list

ID NAME               RVM   TCPU   FCPU   ACPU   TMEM   FMEM   AMEM   STAT
 2 testbed              0    800    800    800    16G    16G    16G     on

$ onevm deploy 0 2

$ onevm list

  ID USER     GROUP    NAME         STAT CPU     MEM        HOSTNAME        TIME
   0 oneadmin oneadmin my_vm        runn   0      0K         testbed 00 00:02:40


and details about it can be obtained with show:

<xterm> $ onevm show 0 VIRTUAL MACHINE 0 INFORMATION ID : 0 NAME : my_vm USER : oneadmin GROUP : oneadmin STATE : ACTIVE LCM_STATE : RUNNING START TIME : 04/14 09:00:24 END TIME : - DEPLOY ID: : one-0





 0         testbed   none  09/28 06:48:18 00 00:07:23 00 00:00:00


Terminating VM instances...

You can terminate a running instance with the following operations (either as onevm commands or through Sunstone):

  • shutdown: Gracefully shuts down a running VM, sending the ACPI signal. Once the VM is shutdown the host is cleaned, and persistent and deferred-snapshot disk will be moved to the associated datastore. If after a given time the VM is still running (e.g. guest ignoring ACPI signals), OpenNebula will returned the VM to the RUNNING state.
  • shutdown --hard: Same as above but the VM is immediately destroyed. Use this action instead of “shutdown” when the VM doesn't have ACPI support.

If you need to terminate an instance in any state use:

  • delete: The VM is immediately destroyed no matter its state. Hosts are cleaned as needed but no images are moved to the repository, leaving then in error. Think of delete as kill -9 for a process, an so it should be only used when the VM is not responding to other actions.

All the above operations free the resources used by the VM

Pausing VM instances...

There are two different ways to temporarily stop the execution of a VM: short and long term pauses. A short term pause keeps all the VM resources allocated to the hosts so its resume its operation in the same hosts quickly. Use the following onevm commands or Sunstone actions:

  • suspend: the VM state is saved in the running Host. When a suspended VM is resumed, it is immediately deployed in the same Host by restoring its saved state.
  • poweroff: Gracefully powers off a running VM by sending the ACPI signal. It is similar to suspend but without saving the VM state. When the VM is resumed it will boot immediately in the same Host.
  • poweroff --hard: Same as above but the VM is immediately powered off. Use this action when the VM doesn't have ACPI support.

You can also plan a long term pause. The Host resources used by the VM are freed and the Host is cleaned. Any needed disk is saved in the system datastore. The following actions are useful if you want to preserve network and storage allocations (e.g. IPs, persistent disk images):

  • undeploy: Gracefully shuts down a running VM, sending the ACPI signal. The Virtual Machine disks are transferred back to the system datastore. When an undeployed VM is resumed, it is be moved to the pending state, and the scheduler will choose where to re-deploy it.
  • undeploy --hard: Same as above but the running VM is immediately destroyed.
  • stop: Same as undeploy but also the VM state is saved to later resume it.

When the VM is successfully paused you can resume its execution with:

  • resume: Resumes the execution of VMs in the stopped, suspended, undeployed and poweroff states.

Resetting VM instances...

There are two ways of resetting a VM: in-host and full reset. The first one does not frees any resources and reset a RUNNING VM instance at the hypervisor level:

  • reboot: Gracefully reboots a running VM, sending the ACPI signal.
  • reboot --hard: Performs a 'hard' reboot.

A VM instance can be reset in any state with:

  • delete --recreate: Deletes the VM as described above, but instead of disposing it the VM is moving again to PENDING state. As the delete operation this action should be used when the VM is not responding to other actions. Try undeploy or undeploy --hard first.

Delaying VM instances...

The deployment of a PENDING VM (e.g. after creating or resuming it) can be delayed with:

  • hold: Sets the VM to hold state. The scheduler will not deploy VMs in the hold state. Please note that VMs can be created directly on hold, using 'onetemplate instantiate --hold' or 'onevm create --hold'.

Then you can resume it with:

  • release: Releases a VM from hold state, setting it to pending. Note that you can automatically release a VM by scheduling the operation as explained below

Life-Cycle Operations for Administrators

There are some onevm commands operations meant for the cloud administrators:


  • resched: Sets the reschedule flag for the VM. The Scheduler will migrate (or migrate --live, depending on the Scheduler configuration) the VM in the next monitorization cycle to a Host that better matches the requirements and rank restrictions. Read more in the Scheduler documentation.
  • unresched: Clears the reschedule flag for the VM, canceling the rescheduling operation.


  • deploy: Starts an existing VM in a specific Host.
  • migrate --live: The Virtual Machine is transferred between Hosts with no noticeable downtime. This action requires a shared file system storage.
  • migrate: The VM gets stopped and resumed in the target host.

Note: By default, the above operations do not check the target host capacity. You can use the -e (–enforce) option to be sure that the host capacity is not overcommitted.


  • boot: Forces the hypervisor boot action of a VM stuck in UNKNOWN or BOOT state.
  • recover: If the VM is stuck in any other state (or the boot operation does not work), you can recover the VM by simulating the failure or success of the missing action. You have to check the VM state on the host to decide if the missing action was successful or not.

Disk Snapshoting

You can take a snapshot of a VM disk to preserve or backup its state at a given point of time. There are two types of disk snapshots in OpenNebula:

  • Deferred snapshots, changes to a disk will be saved as a new Image in the associated datastore when the VM is shutdown. The new image will be locked till the VM is properly shutdown and the transferred from the host to the datastore.
  • Live snapshots, just as the deferred snapshots, but the disk is copied to the datastore the moment the operation is triggered. Therefore, you must guarantee that the disk is in a consistent state during the copy operation (e.g. by umounting the disk from the VM). While the disk is copied to the datastore the VM will be in the HOTPLUG state.

The onevm disk-snapshot command can be run while the VM is RUNNING, POWEROFF or SUSPENDED. See the Image guide for specific examples of the disk-snapshot command.

Disk Hotpluging

New disks can be hot-plugged to running VMs with the onevm disk-attach and disk-detach commands. For example, to attach to a running VM the Image named “storage”:

<xterm> $ onevm disk-attach one-5 –image storage </xterm>

To detach a disk from a running VM, find the disk ID of the Image you want to detach using the onevm show command, and then simply execute onevm detach vm_id disk_id:

<xterm> $ onevm show one-5 … DISK=[



$ onevm disk-detach one-5 1 </xterm>

NIC Hotpluging

You can also hotplug network interfaces to a RUNNING VM. Simply, specify the network where the new interface should be attach to, for example:

<xterm> $ onevm show 2


VM NICS ID NETWORK VLAN BRIDGE IP MAC 0 net_172 no vbr0 02:00:ac:10:0


 0 cloud01         none    03/07 11:37:40    0d 00h02m14s    0d 00h00m00s

$ onevm attachnic 2 –network net_172 </xterm>

After the operation you should see two NICs 0 and 1: <xterm> $ onevm show 2 VIRTUAL MACHINE 2 INFORMATION ID : 2 NAME : centos-server USER : ruben GROUP : oneadmin

VM NICS ID NETWORK VLAN BRIDGE IP MAC 0 net_172 no vbr0 02:00:ac:10:00:c9


1 net_172 no vbr0 02:00:ac:10:00:ca



Also, you can detach a NIC by its ID. If you want to detach interface 1 (MAC=02:00:ac:10:00:ca), just: <xterm>

onevm detachnic 2 1



You can create, delete and restore snapshots for running VMs. A snapshot will contain the current disks and memory state.

:!: The snapshots will only be available during the RUNNING state. If the state changes (stop, migrate, etc…) the snapshots will be lost.

<xterm> $ onevm snapshot-create 4 “just in case”

$ onevm show 4 … SNAPSHOTS

ID         TIME NAME                                           HYPERVISOR_ID  
 0  02/21 16:05 just in case                                   onesnap-0      

$ onevm snapshot-revert 4 0 –verbose VM 4: snapshot reverted </xterm>

Please take into consideration the following limitations:

  • The snapshots are lost if any life-cycle operation is performed, e.g. a suspend, migrate, delete request.
  • KVM: Snapshots are only available if all the VM disks use the 'qcow2' driver.
  • VMware: the snapshots will persist in the hypervisor after any life-cycle operation is performed, but they will not be available to be used with OpenNebula.
  • Xen: does not support snapshotting

Resizing a VM

You may re-size the capacity assigned to a Virtual Machine in terms of the virtual CPUs, memory and CPU allocated. VM re-sizing can be done when the VM is not ACTIVE, an so in any of the following states: PENDING, HOLD, FAILED and specially in POWEROFF.

If you have created a Virtual Machine and you need more resources, the following procedure is recommended:

  • Perform any operation needed to prepare your Virtual Machine for shutting down, e.g. you may want to manually stop some services…
  • Poweroff the Virtual Machine
  • Re-size the VM
  • Resume the Virtual Machine using the new capacity

Note that using this procedure the VM will preserve any resource assigned by OpenNebula (e.g. IP leases)

The following is an example of the previous procedure from the command line (the Sunstone equivalent is straight forward): <xterm» onevm poweroff web_vm

onevm resize web_vm –memory 2G –vcpu 2
onevm resume web_vm


From Sunstone:

Scheduling Actions

Most of the onevm commands accept the '--schedule' option, allowing users to delay the actions until the given date and time.

Here is an usage example:

<xterm> $ onevm suspend 0 –schedule “09/20” VM 0: suspend scheduled at 2013-09-20 00:00:00 +0200

$ onevm resume 0 –schedule “09/23 14:15” VM 0: resume scheduled at 2013-09-23 14:15:00 +0200

$ onevm show 0 VIRTUAL MACHINE 0 INFORMATION ID : 0 NAME : one-0


SCHEDULED ACTIONS ID ACTION SCHEDULED DONE MESSAGE 0 suspend 09/20 00:00 - 1 resume 09/23 14:15 - </xterm>

These actions can be deleted or edited using the 'onevm update' command. The time attributes use Unix time internally.

<xterm> $ onevm update 0


TIME="1379628000" ]


TIME="1379938500" ]


These are the commands that can be scheduled:

  • shutdown
  • shutdown --hard
  • undeploy
  • undeploy --hard
  • hold
  • release
  • stop
  • suspend
  • resume
  • boot
  • delete
  • delete-recreate
  • reboot
  • reboot --hard
  • poweroff
  • poweroff --hard
  • snapshot-create

User Defined Data

Custom tags can be associated to a VM to store metadata related to this specific VM instance. To add custom attributes simply use the onevm update command.

<xterm> $ onevm show 0 …


$ onevm update 0 ROOT_GENERATED_PASSWORD=“1234” ~ ~

$onevm show 0 …




Manage VM Permissions

OpenNebula comes with an advanced ACL rules permission mechanism intended for administrators, but each VM object has also implicit permissions that can be managed by the VM owner. To share a VM instance with other users, to allow them to list and show its information, use the onevm chmod command:

<xterm> $ onevm show 0 … PERMISSIONS OWNER : um- GROUP : — OTHER : —

$ onevm chmod 0 640

$ onevm show 0 … PERMISSIONS OWNER : um- GROUP : u– OTHER : — </xterm>

Administrators can also change the VM's group and owner with the chgrp and chown commands.


You can manage your virtual machines using the onevm command or Sunstone.

In Sunstone, you can easily instantiate currently defined templates by clicking “New” on the Virtual Machines tab and manage the life cycle of the new instances

Using the noVNC Console

In order to use this feature, make sure that:

  • The VM template has a GRAPHICS section defined, that the TYPE attribute in it is set to VNC.
  • The specified VNC port on the host on which the VM is deployed is accessible from the Sunstone server host.
  • The VM is in running state.

If the VM supports VNC and is running, then the VNC icon on the Virtual Machines view should be visible and clickable:

When clicking the VNC icon, the process of starting a session begins:

  • A request is made and if a VNC session is possible, Sunstone server will add the VM Host to the list of allowed vnc session targets and create a random token associated to it.
  • The server responds with the session token, then a noVNC dialog pops up.
  • The VNC console embedded in this dialog will try to connect to the proxy either using websockets (default) or emulating them using Flash. Only connections providing the right token will be successful. Websockets are supported from Firefox 4.0 (manual activation required in this version) and Chrome. The token expires and cannot be reused.

In order to close the VNC session just close the console dialog.

:?: From Sunstone 3.8, a single instance of the VNC proxy is launched when Sunstone server starts. This instance will listen on a single port and proxy all connections from there.

Information for Developers and Integrators

  • Although the default way to create a VM instance is to register a Template and then instantiate it, VMs can be created directly from a template file using the onevm create command.
  • When a VM reaches the done state, it disappears from the onevm list output, but the VM is still in the database and can be retrieved with the onevm show command.
  • OpenNebula comes with an accounting tool that reports resource usage data.
  • The monitoring information, shown with nice graphs in Sunstone, can be retrieved using the XML-RPC methods one.vm.monitoring and one.vmpool.monitoring.