OpenNebula Daemon Configuration 1.4

The OpenNebula daemon oned manages the cluster nodes, virtual networks, virtual machines and users. The configuration file for the daemon is called oned.conf and it is placed inside the $ONE_LOCATION/etc directory. In this reference document we describe all the format and options that can be specified in oned.conf.

Note: If OpenNebula was installed in system wide mode this directory becomes /etc/one/. The rest of this guide refers to the $ONE_LOCATION paths (corresponding to self contained mode) and omits the equivalent system wide locations. More information on installation modes can be found here.

Daemon Configuration Attributes

  • HOST_MONITORING_INTERVAL : Time in seconds between host monitorization
  • VM_POLLING_INTERVAL : Time in seconds between virtual machine monitorization
  • VM_DIR : Remote path to store the VM images, it should be shared between all the cluster nodes to perform live migrations. This path will be used for all the cluster nodes.
  • MAC_PREFIX: Default MAC prefix to generate virtual network MAC addresses
  • NETWORK_SIZE: Default size for virtual networks
  • PORT : Port where oned will listen for xml-rpc calls
  • DEBUG_LEVEL : Sets the level of verbosity of $ONE_LOCATION/var/oned.log log file. Possible values are:


Example of this section:

# Daemon configuration attributes                                               

VM_DIR       = /local/images

MAC_PREFIX   = "00:01"

PORT         =  2633

Information Drivers

The information drivers are used to gather information from the cluster nodes, and they depend on the virtualizer you are using. You can define more than one information manager but make sure it has different names. To define it, the following needs to be set:

  • name: name for this information driver.
  • executable: path of the information driver executable, can be an absolute path or relative to $ONE_LOCATION/lib/mads (or /usr/lib/one/mads/ in a system wide installation)
  • arguments: for the driver executable, usually a probe configuration file, can be an absolute path or relative to $ONE_LOCATION/etc (or /etc/one/ in a system wide installation).
  • default: default values and configuration parameters for the driver, can be an absolute path or relative to $ONE_LOCATION/etc (or /etc/one/ in a system wide installation).

For more information on configuring the information and monitoring system and hints to extend it please check the information driver configuration guide.

Sample configuration:

# Information Driver Configuration                                              

IM_MAD = [
    name       = "im_kvm",
    executable = "bin/one_im_ssh",
    arguments  = "im_kvm/im_kvm.conf",
    default    = "im_kvm/im_kvm.conf" ]

Transfer Drivers

The transfer drivers are used to transfer, clone, remove and create VM images. You will be using one transfer driver or another depending on the storage layout of your cluster. You can define more than one transfer manager (e.g. you have different configurations for several cluster nodes) but make sure it has different names. To define it, there needs to be set:

  • name: name for this transfer driver.
  • executable: path of the transfer driver executable, can be an absolute path or relative to $ONE_LOCATION/lib/mads (or /usr/lib/one/mads/ in a system wide installation)
  • arguments: for the driver executable, usually a commands configuration file, can be an absolute path or relative to $ONE_LOCATION/etc (or /etc/one/ in a system wide installation)

for the driver executable

  • default: default values and configuration parameters for the driver, can be an absolute path or relative to $ONE_LOCATION/etc (or /etc/one/ in a system wide installation)

For more information on configuring different storage alternatives please check the storage configuration guide.

Sample configuration:

# Transfer Driver Configuration                                              

TM_MAD = [
    name       = "tm_ssh",
    executable = "one_tm",
    arguments  = "tm_ssh/tm_ssh.conf",
    default    = "tm_ssh/tm_ssh.conf" ]

Virtualization Drivers

The virtualization drivers are used create, control and monitor VMs on the cluster nodes. You can define more than one virtualization driver (e.g. you have different virtualizers in several cluster nodes) but make sure it has different names. To define it, the following needs to be set:

  • name: name of the virtualization driver.
  • executable: path of the virtualization driver executable, can be an absolute path or relative to $ONE_LOCATION/lib/mads (or /usr/lib/one/mads/ in a system wide installation)
  • arguments: for the driver executable
  • type: driver type, supported drivers: xen, kvm or ec2
  • default: default values and configuration parameters for the driver, can be an absolute path or relative to $ONE_LOCATION/etc (or /etc/one/ in a system guide installation)

For more information on configuring and setting up the virtualizer please check the guide that suits you:

Sample configuration:

# Virtualization Driver Configuration                                           

VM_MAD = [
    name       = "vmm_kvm",
    executable = "one_vmm_kvm",
    default    = "vmm_kvm/vmm_kvm.conf",
    type       = "kvm" ]           

Hook System

Hooks in OpenNebula are programs (usually scripts) which execution is triggered by a change in state in Virtual Machines. The hooks can be executed either locally or remotely in the node where the VM is running. To configure the Hook System the following needs to be set in the OpenNebula configuration file:

  • executable: path of the hook driver executable, can be an absolute path or relative to $ONE_LOCATION/lib/mads (or /usr/lib/one/mads/ if OpenNebula was installed in /)
  • arguments : for the driver executable, can be an absolute path or relative to $ONE_LOCATION/etc (or /etc/one/ if OpenNebula was installed in /)

Sample configuration:

HM_MAD = [
    executable = "one_hm" ]

Then each hook has to be configured, and for each one the following needs to be set:

  • name: for the hook, useful to track the hook (OPTIONAL).
  • on: when the hook should be executed,
    • - CREATE, when the VM is created (onevm create)
    • - RUNNING, after the VM is successfully booted
    • - SHUTDOWN, after the VM is shutdown
    • - STOP, after the VM is stopped (including VM image transfers)
    • - DONE, after the VM is deleted or shutdown
  • command: use absolute path here
  • arguments: for the hook. You can access to VM template variables with $
    • - $ATTR, the value of an attribute e.g. $NAME or $VMID
    • - $ATTR[VAR], the value of a vector e.g. $NIC[MAC]
    • - $ATTR[VAR, COND], same of previous but COND select between multiple ATTRs e.g. $NIC[MAC, NETWORK=“Public”]
  • remote: values,
    • - YES, The hook is executed in the host where the VM was allocated
    • - NO, The hook is executed in the OpenNebula server (default)

Sample configuration:

    name      = "dhcp",
    on        = "create",
    command   = "/bin/echo",
    arguments = "$NAME > /tmp/test.$VMID" ]

Example Configuration File

MAC_PREFIX   = "00:50"

IM_MAD = [
    name       = "im_kvm",
    executable = "one_im_ssh",
    arguments  = "im_kvm/im_kvm.conf" ]
VM_MAD = [
    name       = "vmm_kvm",
    executable = "one_vmm_kvm",
    default    = "vmm_kvm/vmm_kvm.conf",
    type       = "kvm" ]
TM_MAD = [
    name       = "tm_nfs",
    executable = "one_tm",
    arguments  = "tm_nfs/tm_nfs.conf" ]

HM_MAD = [
    executable = "one_hm" ]
    name      = "mail",
    on        = "running",
    command   = "/usr/local/one/bin/send_mail",
    arguments = "$VMID $NAME",
    remote    = "no" ]